New Jersey Orthopaedic PAC
Pledge your support
to the New Jersey Orthopaedic PAC
Contribution Guidelines
For contributions drawn from personal or joint accounts
Personal Accounts
Contributions drawn on joint accounts will be allocated to the individual whose signature appears on the check. Joint account checks can be allocated to multiple account holders. In such case, joint account checks will be allocated equally to those joint account holders whose names and signatures appear on the check. You are limited to $14,400.00 per year.
For contributions drawn from non-personal accounts
Sole Proprietorship
You are limited to $14,400.00 per year.
As a partner and individual donor your total may not exceed $14,400.00 per year. Checks must be signed by the contributing partner(s). Alternatively, a separate sheet that lists the name(s) of the partner(s) to whom the contribution is being attributed, the amount contributed by the listed partner(s), and bears the signature(s) of the contributing partner(s) may be submitted with a contribution check
Your corporation is limited to $14,400.00 per year and separately, as an individual your personal contribution total is limited to $14,400.00 per year.
Make a Contribution
Individual contributions and their contributions as a corporate officer/contributing partner may not exceed a total of $14,400.00 per year.
To make a contribution by check,
please download the form HERE.
Return the form with payment to:
150 West State Street, Suite 110
Trenton, NJ 08608
Thank You
For Your Support
Federal law prohibits NJORTHOPAC from accepting contributions from foreign nationals. Individuals who have permanent U.S. residency (green cards) may contribute, however. State law prohibits NJORTHOPAC from accepting contributions from banks, insurance companies, public utilities, cable television companies, and any majority shareholder in such entities. State law (The Casino Control Act – NJSA 5:12-138) prohibits NJORTHOPAC from accepting contributions from companies that hold or are applicants for a casino license, including any holding company or subsidiary of a casino licensee or applicant. Contributions from officers, directors, and key employees of any such company are prohibited. In addition, contributions by members of the New Jersey Casino Control Commission and its employees are barred. It is illegal to reimburse any individual for a contribution to NJORTHOPAC. It is illegal to receive a reimbursement for any contribution to NJORTHOPAC. Contributions or gifts to NJORTHOPAC are not tax-deductible.
Paid for and authorized by:
New Jersey Orthopaedic PAC
150 West State Street, Suite 110, Trenton, NJ 08608